Thursday, February 4, 2010


Thanksgiving, you ask. I know that it is February, but I just got ahold of some really cute Thanksgiving pictures, and I would like to post them. Brad's mom and dad and his sister's family all came here for Thanksgiving. Well, actually, his mom and dad went to Houston, and Heidi and her family came here. However, we all went over to Houston to Ryan and Jayme's for Thanksgiving.

It was so great having all the cousins together! The last time we were all together was 4 years ago and 7 kids ago. It was chaos to say the least!

Here are all the grandkids with Candi and Duane:

From left to right: Duane, Candi, Brad, Ryan and Heidi

Lincoln enjoying being an older cousin:

The Sine and our Crockett kids at the San Antonio zoo:

There are still more pictures that I would like to post, but that will just have to wait for another time. I am tired. I hope that all is well out in cyberland.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heavenly Goodness

As I promised, here is the recipe for Molten Marshmallow Chocolate Cakes:

This recipe is made in 6 ramekins. However, I have made it in 7-8 muffin tins, and it works just as well.

1 1/3 c. chocolate chips
1/4 c. butter
1/3 c. sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 c. flour
6-8 big marshmallows

In a saucepan, over very low heat, melt chips and butter. Whisk in sugar, eggs and vanilla until well blended. Stir in flour. Fill 6 floured, buttered ramekins, 1/2 way full. Press a marshmallow into the center and cover with remaining batter, completely covering. Bake until tops are puffed up and crackly at 350 degrees, 12-15 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve warm.

These are just wonderful. A perfect treat for any dessert lover like me! Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Too Many Changes!

Zoe all ready for her first day of school:

Clayton outside his 2nd grade classroom:

All the kids the first day of school:

Awesome pictures done by Amy Waddington while we were in Spokane:

Well, so much has happened since my last post, which was Easter!

We basically wrapped up our lives in Germany, because the Army said that it was time to move. T-ball ended, Clayton finished first grade, we shipped all our household goods, and we said goodbye to a bunch of good friends. That is the worst part of the Army. I hate saying goodbye! The only good thing is that most of them were moving also, so we are not left there without them.

We flew for what seemed like a million hours, and finally we arrived in Spokane, WA. Brad took leave for the month of June, we went home to see all our family. It was so relaxing! The first week all of my family was there. We were finally able to meet Devin and Lauren's baby, Ellie. What a doll! Ashley and her boyfriend, Glen, came from San Diego, and of course, we saw Nate and Amanda also. It was so nice having everyone there. I love my family! The last three weeks went by in a blur! The highlights include an Indian's game, stitches at the ER, pictures done by Amy Waddington, a few trips to Silverwood, VBS with the cousins, trips to the pool, and just overall fun with everyone. It was so great! It makes us all want to move back to Spokane!

We headed from Spokane, WA, to San Antonio, TX, at the end of the month. This trip turned into a fiasco. We did fine until we got to Dallas/Fort Worth. We ran to our flight, and they had already sent it on. The airline person at the desk said that they sent it on because there was another flight that night. They tried to get us all on the flight, but only 3 of us made it. The other 3 were standby. Bummer! Not that big of a deal, but we had scheduled our household goods to be delivered the next morning at 8am! The sum of it is, after waiting around for 2+ hours, we ended up renting a car and driving overnight to San Antonio. We got here around 6am, and the movers were here by 8am. It ended up working out, but talk about stress!

We headed over to Houston to visit with Ryan and Jayme for the 4th of July. It was so nice seeing everyone. My kids love all the cousins!

Since then, the kids have started school, and Zoe has started cheer. Clayton should be starting football, and Georgia should be starting soccer both in the next couple of weeks. Georgia and Lincoln both start preschool next week.

That is about it for us. We would love visitors, and y'all are more than welcome!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Easter this year was pretty laid back around the Crockett household. We started the day off with a little hunt for each of the Easter baskets. After that, we went to church and heard a great sermon. Lincoln was sick, so actually I heard a great sermon. Brad spent the morning out in the foyer with Lincoln. Bummer for him!

After church, we had a wonderful brunch. The kids were dying to have their egg hunt, but we waited until after we ate. The egg hunt was a success. Overall, the day was really nice. I think that everyone would agree that we would have liked to be with the family, but since that was not possible, we had the best time we could.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

China Hutch

We ended up buying a china hutch from my favorite store here, European County Living. It is beautiful! Here are some pictures for the family:

The pictures don't do it justice. You will just have to come visit us in San Antonio if you want to see it!


We started spring break off with some visitors from the states. Peter and Christina came into town on Thursday night. We saw Trier on Friday, Luxembourg on Saturday, and we stuck them on a train to Paris on Sunday. It was a quick visit, but we had a great time! Here are some pictures of us in Luxembourg.